BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS

Op Linux-World 2009 heb ik een presentatie gegeven over de BSD opensource operating-systemen; waarvan FreeBSD de bekendste is.
Want niet alle open-source is Linux, noch moet je altijd aan de GPL-licentie voldoen! Er zijn alternatieven; alternatieven die vaak beter zijn dan Linux en haar GPL. Vooral voor bedrijven die niet het risico willen lopen dat ze hun kennis weg moeten geven als ze Linux gebruiken is (Free)BSD een goede optie. Historisch gezien in het een echtere Unix. Technisch wordt het vaak als superieur gezien; al zijn de vele discussie daarover gekleurd. Maar bovenal geeft het meer vrijheid; zeker voor commerciële gebruikers!

BSD, het Echt Vrije Open Source OS
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1 Linux-World 2009 *BSD, het echte vrije OpenSource OS Mijn missie: Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago Tensegrity is a blend of ‘tensional’ and ‘integrity’, a synergy of balanced tension and compression. The poles in a tensegrity-tower seem to float in air. Although they might look confusing, these structures are really very simple. All you need is to be very methodical when building them. It is an architectural principle for sky-high building and an example for SW engineering! (C) Albert Mietus *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. An non-technical overview of free, open & gratis software. And why you should consider them to use in your product. Instead of Linux! About ‘Albert’ 2 • Embedded R&D Architect • Columnist, Writer, Chairman; Trainer, ... • Open-source, Unix, SW-Development practices & processes Mijn missie: 80% 20% Software Beter Maken  Past, professional Nice things Product, Proces, Imago Consultant [PTS]  Advice  Embedded QuickStart Linux  Training An non-technical overview of free, open & consider them to use in your product.  Research *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. R&D Architect gratis software. And why you should [JVH Gaming] Linux-World 2009  Increase efficiency (twice or triple!)  ‘Let go’, due recession Nice topics Instead of Linux!  Currently  Open-Source  Available for you  Version Control  Code-quality  OpenSource and similar  Designing  FreeBSD, GCC, CVS [user] (C) Albert Mietus  ...  Rfc3164 (syslog) [assisted]  Main focus: ‘embedded’ • To help YOU *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. 3 An non-technical overview of free, open & gratis software. And why you should consider them to use in your product. Instead of Linux! (C) Albert Mietus Linux-World 2009 Mijn missie: Product, Proces, Imago Software Beter Maken Linux FreeBSD netBSD openBSD History of Unix History of Open/Free Unix 4 • It starts around 1990:  Introduction of i386 The first “cheap” processor with the Mijn missie: power to run Unix (due the MMU) Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago *BSD inherits from the origin  FreeBSD An non-technical overview of free, open & consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should • Mainstream, great in ‘ports’ Linux-World 2009 • Unix of cheap hardware (i386) Instead of Linux!  netBSD • Runs anything, extremely portable  openBSD • Secure, out of the box (C) Albert Mietus Linux is a (very good) ‘look alike’ ‘Embedded Unix’ (1) 5 • Traditionally, embedded systems are very, very, very small and low cost  They where usually also ‘real time’ Mijn missie:  They used special (or non) OS’es Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago Example: remote control, €5 calculator Things change … An non-technical overview of free, open & • The hw becomes much faster consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should Linux-World 2009 • Systems becomes ‘bigger’ [IPhone] • Everybody uses them (volume) [routers] Instead of Linux! A router used to be an expensive embedded device • Embedded-sw becomes more complex Cost reduction only in R&D time! (C) Albert Mietus Embedded Unix is becoming popular • for modern embedded systems (majority) • Starting around 1996 … 2000, still growing ‘Embedded Unix’ (2) 6 Used in very many systems  Routers [often BSD]  Firewalls, ‘security’ [same] Mijn missie:  Multi-media Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago  Beamers [HP uses Linux]  Navigation [TomTom: Linux] An non-technical overview of free, open &  Destop/Servers [Apple uses BSD] consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should • Both Linux and *BSD Linux-World 2009 • As well as other OS’es Instead of Linux! • There is no clear ‘leader’  There are some trends • Security: (open)BSD • Hype/media attention: Linux (C) Albert Mietus  Pragmatic: • That what you (lead) engineers did know *BSD ‘versions’ 7 They are a bit like ‘distributions’ but aren’t 1. FreeBSD  TinyBSD  picoBSD (dead)  nanoBSD Mijn missie:  miniBSD (dead?) Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago  pfSense 2. OpenBSD An non-technical overview of free, open & 3. NetBSD consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should Linux-World 2009 • Dragon FlyBSD Instead of Linux! • PC-BSD • DesktopBSD  FreeSBIE (dead) (C) Albert Mietus  openDarwin (dead) 1. pureDarwin Linux versus *BSD (1) 8 • End-users & programmers  It’s the same! • Only a few technical differences Mijn missie:  Same tools/applications (“3th party”) Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago • X/Desktop, gcc, emacs, apache, … • open-source tools typical run on both An non-technical overview of free, open & – Some commercial tools may differ consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should – FreeBSD can even run Linux binaries! Linux-World 2009 • Marketing: Instead of Linux!  Linux “sells” • Sometimes ‘BSD inside’ But: ‘Linux outside’ (meaning: open source)  Hire people? (C) Albert Mietus • Other people will respond! – Linux gives more responds; many “wanabees” Linux versus *BSD (2) 9 • Concept, Philosophy  Kernel versus complete OS • Linux is a kernel only; with GNU/ Mijn missie: OpenSource tools Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago  Many “distro’s” versus “well organized” • There is no ‘common Linux’ OS! An non-technical overview of free, open & • BSD variants share common grounds; differ in goal consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should • BSD has 15+ years of version control, for everything! Linux-World 2009  History: Instead of Linux! • BSD: Unix background, experience people – Cheap PC [it started with 386BSD] – Engineering background • Linux: PC background; young people (C) Albert Mietus – Study to MMU capabilities [again: i386] – Driven by enthusiasm (mainly) Linux versus *BSD (3) 10 • Copyright  ‘GNU’ GPL versus BSD • GPL(2) is more a statement then a copyright • BSD-copyright is more clear (for lawyers) Software Beter Maken Mijn missie: • No need/risk to give your IP away! Product, Proces, Imago – BSD is ‘more free’ for companies  BSD-Copyright An non-technical overview of free, open & • Basically: “Do not blame us and good luck” consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should • You are allowed to change it Linux-World 2009 • You are allowed to sell it [even unchanged] Instead of Linux! • You MAY, never MUST distribute the/your source! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions (C) Albert Mietus and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Is deleted 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Beastie versus Tux 11 As this is ‘Linux-World’, I needed to include at least one tux … Mijn missie: Software Beter Maken Product, Proces, Imago An non-technical overview of free, open & consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should Linux-World 2009 Instead of Linux! (C) Albert Mietus Image-Google: ‘Tux Beastie’, Beastie always wins! (this is the nice one:-) *BSD, the true free OpenSource OS 12 Conclusions  *BSD is less known • But heavily used by ‘big’ expert-companies – Did I mention ‘hosting’, ‘mail’, …? Software Beter Maken Mijn missie: • *BSD is also Unix, *BSD is also OpenSource, … Product, Proces, Imago • Linux is very similar to *BSD (Techno-historical correct)  *BSD is sound ‘engineered’ An non-technical overview of free, open & • Better then Linux. But I’m biased consider them to use in your product. *BSD, het echt vrije OpenSource OS. gratis software. And why you should  *BSD’s BSD-copyright is more free Linux-World 2009 • At least for use in commercial devices Instead of Linux! • Scared of the GPL? Use BSD! Questions  (C) Albert Mietus Also:,, …  (zombie)  NOW, as long as there is time …